Ryde Eastwood Chess Championship 2009 -- Postponed Games Results

Lua - Su 1-0
Gong, W - Chiara 0-1
Smirnov - Christensen 0.5-0.5
Valenzuela - Siow 0-1
Galwey - Wang 1-0
Hickey - Burgess 1-0
Marton - Escalante 0-1
Gletsos - Aspin 1-0
Christansen -Damaschino 1-0
Cardenas - Kirillov 0.5-0.5
Wang - Gong, N 1-0
Siow-Lee - Burgess 0.5-0.5
Siow - Damaschino 0-1

Irmler - Hong 1-0
Wang - Beveridge 0.5-0.5
Valenzuela - Kirillov 0-1
Hale - Gletsos 0-1
Mlinaric - Hong 1-0
Siow - Damaschino 0-1
Su - Siow 1-0
Howari - Gletsos 0-1
Beveridge - Burgess 0.5-0.5
Wang - Siow-Lee 0-1

For the time being I will use this to report on the results of the postponed games and once all has been played, I will update the main results (round by round) pages.
