Club Championship Postponed Game Results

Here are the results of the postponed games in the Club Championship.

Postponed Game Results

Gletsos - Maldonado 1-0
Escalante - Zee 1-0
Burgess - Gong, N 1-0
Aspin - Grbin 1-0
Hale - Gunn 0-1
Beveridge - Burgess 0-1
Chiara - Watson 0-1
Escalante - Valenzuela 1-0
Yum - Siow 1-0
Siow - Christensen 0-1
Gletsos - Escalante 0.5-0.5
Yum - Christensen 0.5-0.5
Amin - Mere 1-0
Kuru- Gluvchinsky 0F - 0F
Burgess - Gletsos 0.5 -0.5
Maldonado - Edwards 0-1
Kirillov - Siow 1-0
Irmler - Galwey 0-1
Damaschino - Burgess 0.5-0.5
Burgess - Edwards 0.5-0.5


whatteaux said…
Whither the postponed Burgess-Edwards (or vice versa) game?
siow, weng nian said…
Dear whatteaux,

Bill Gletsos has sent me the corrected information and the blog has been rectified. Thanks for bring this to our attention.