2011 Ryde-Eastwood Chess Club Bobby Fischer Cup_Results (corrected and crosstable added)

I have received the results for the 2011 Bobby Fischer Cup and if someones can create a crosstable in word or excel format, I can link it via Google docs.
[Thanks to Rob Watson, here is the crosstable in spreadsheet format: click here]

Round 1

Edwards - Grbin 0-1
Marton - Huynh 0-1
Muller - Salim 1-0
Hickey - Watson 0-1
Mitrovic - Kirillov 1-0
Irmler - Christensen 0-1
Burgess - Escalante 1-0
Brown, N - Brown, J 1-0
Chiara - Cardenas 0-1

Round 2

Grbin - Cardenas 0-1
Brown, J - Chiara 0-1
Escalante - Brown, N 0-1
Christensen - Burgess 1-0
Kirillov - Irmler 0-1
Watson - Mitrovic 0.5-0.5
Salim - hickey 1-0
Huynh - Muller 1-0
Edwards - Marton 1-0

Round 3

Marton - Grbin 0-1
Muller - Edwards 1-0
Hickey - Huynh 0-1
Mitrovic - Salim 0-1
Irmler - Watson 0-1
Burgess - Kirillov 1-0
Brown, N - Christensen 0.5-0.5
Chiara - Escalante 0-1
Cardenas - Brown, J 1-0

Round 4

Grbin - Brown, J 1-0
Escalante - Cardenas 1-0
Christensen - Chiara 1-0
Kirillov - Brown, N 1-0
Watson - Burgess 0-1
Salim - Irmler 1-0
Huynh - Mitrovic 1-0
Edwards - Hickey 0-1
Marton - Muller 1-0

Round 5

Muller - Grbin 1-0
Hickey - Marton 1-0
Mitrovic - Edwards 0.5-0.5
Irmler - Huynh 0-1
Burgess - Salim 0-1
Brown, N - Watson 1-0
Chiara - Kirillov 1-0
Cardenas - Christensen 0-1
Brown, J - Escalante 0-1

Round 6

Grbin - Escalante 0.5-0.5
Christensen - Brown, J 1-0
Kirillov - Cardenas 0-1
Watson - Chiara 1-0
Salim - Brown, N 0-1
Huynh - Burgess 1-0
Edwards - Irmler 1-0
Marton - Mitrovic 0-1
Muller - Hickey 0-1

Round 7

Hickey - Grbin 0-1
Mitrovic - Muller 0.5-0.5
Irmler - Marton 1-0
Burgess - Edwards 1-0
Brown, N - Huynh 0-1
Chiara - Salim 1-0
Cardenas - Watson 0-1
Brown, J - Kirillov 1-0
Escalante - Christensen 0-1

Round 8

Grbin - Christensen 0.5-0.5
Kirillov - Escalante 0.5-0.5
Watson - Brown, J 1-0
Salim - Cardenas 0-1
Huynh - Chiara 0-1
Edwards - Brown, N 0-1
Marton - Burgess 1-0
Muller - Irmler 0-1
Hickey - Mitrovic 0-1

Round 9

Mitrovic - Grbin 1-0
Irmler - Hickey 0-1
Burgess - Muller 1-0
Brown, N - Marton 1-0
Chiara - Edwards 0-1
Cardenas - Huynh 0-1
Brown, J - Salim 0-1
Escalante - Watson 0-1
Christensen - Kirillov 1-0

Round 10

Grbin - Kirillov 1-0
Watson - Christensen 0-1
Salim - Escalante 1-0
Huynh - Brown, J 1-0
Edwards - Cardenas 0.5-0.5
Marton - Chiara 0-1
Muller - Brown, N 0-1
Hickey - Burgess 0.5-0.5
Mitrovic - Irmler 1-0

Round 11

Irmler - Grbin 1-0
Burgess - Mitrovic 1-0
Brown, N - Hickey 1-0
Chiara - Muller 1-0
Cardenas - Marton 1-0
Brown, J - Edwards 0-1
Escalante - Huynh 0-1
Christensen - Salim 1-0
Kirillov - Watson 1-0

Round 12

Grbin - Watson 0-1
Salim - Kirillov 1-0
Huynh - Christensen 0.5-0.5
Edwards - Escalante 0-1
MArton - Brown, J 0-1
Muller - Cardenas 1-0
Hickey - Chiara 1-0
Mitrovic - Brown, N 0-1
Irmler - Burgess 0-1


Rob Watson said…
Spreadsheet done and e-mailed.