2011 Ryde-Eastwood Chess Club Bobby Fischer Cup_Results for Rounds 13-17 (updated with Final Crosstable)
Here is the link to a spreadsheet containing the Final Crosstable (prepared by Rob Watson): crosstable.
Congratulations to Arthur Huynh for coming first and undefeated with 16.5/17 and Joshua Christensen (15.5/17) who was also undefeated and came second.
The rest of the results:
Round 13
Burgess - Grbin 1-0
Brown, N - Irmler 1-0
Chiara - Mitrovic 0-1
Cardenas -Hickey 1-0
Brown, J - Muller 1-0
Escalante - Marton 1-0
Christensen Edwards 1-0
Kirillov - Huynh 0-1
Watson - Salim 0-1
Round 14
Grbin - Salim 0-1
Huynh - Watson 1-0
Edwards - Kirillov 0-1
Marton - Christensen 0-1
Muller - Escalante 1-0
Hickey - Brown, J 1-0
Mitrovic - Cardenas 1-0
Irmler - Chiara 1-0
Burgess - Brown, N 0-1
Round 15
Brown, N - Grbin 1-0
Chiara - Burgess 0-1
Cardenas - Irmler 1-0
Brown, J - Mitrovic 1-0
Escalante - Hickey 0.5-0.5
Christensen - Muller 1-0
Kirillov - Marton 0-1
Watson -Edwards 1-0
Salim - Huynh 0-1
Round 16
Grbin - Huynh 0-1
Edwards - Salim 0-1
MArton - Watson 0-1
Muller - Kirillov 1-0
Hickey - Christensen 0-1
Mitrovic - Escalante 0-1
Irmler - Brown, J 1-0
Burgess - Cardenas 0-1
Brown, N - Chiara 1-0
Round 17
Chiara - Grbin 1-0
Cardenas - Brown, N 0-1
Brown, J - Burgess 0-1
Escalante - Irmler 1-0
Christensen - Mitrovic 1-0
Kirillov - Hickey 0-1
Watson - Muller 0-1
Salim - Marton 1-0
Huynh - Edwards 1-0
Congratulations to Arthur Huynh for coming first and undefeated with 16.5/17 and Joshua Christensen (15.5/17) who was also undefeated and came second.
The rest of the results:
Round 13
Burgess - Grbin 1-0
Brown, N - Irmler 1-0
Chiara - Mitrovic 0-1
Cardenas -Hickey 1-0
Brown, J - Muller 1-0
Escalante - Marton 1-0
Christensen Edwards 1-0
Kirillov - Huynh 0-1
Watson - Salim 0-1
Round 14
Grbin - Salim 0-1
Huynh - Watson 1-0
Edwards - Kirillov 0-1
Marton - Christensen 0-1
Muller - Escalante 1-0
Hickey - Brown, J 1-0
Mitrovic - Cardenas 1-0
Irmler - Chiara 1-0
Burgess - Brown, N 0-1
Round 15
Brown, N - Grbin 1-0
Chiara - Burgess 0-1
Cardenas - Irmler 1-0
Brown, J - Mitrovic 1-0
Escalante - Hickey 0.5-0.5
Christensen - Muller 1-0
Kirillov - Marton 0-1
Watson -Edwards 1-0
Salim - Huynh 0-1
Round 16
Grbin - Huynh 0-1
Edwards - Salim 0-1
MArton - Watson 0-1
Muller - Kirillov 1-0
Hickey - Christensen 0-1
Mitrovic - Escalante 0-1
Irmler - Brown, J 1-0
Burgess - Cardenas 0-1
Brown, N - Chiara 1-0
Round 17
Chiara - Grbin 1-0
Cardenas - Brown, N 0-1
Brown, J - Burgess 0-1
Escalante - Irmler 1-0
Christensen - Mitrovic 1-0
Kirillov - Hickey 0-1
Watson - Muller 0-1
Salim - Marton 1-0
Huynh - Edwards 1-0