Ryde-Eastwood Chess Club First Tournament for 2021
Our first tournament for the year will be a 9 round Rapid, held over three weeks,
There will be 3 rounds each Wednesday, starting at 7:30pm
The time limit will be 20 min + 10 sec per move.
We are still situated in the Sports Bar downstairs and as previously advised numbers are limited to a total of 30 people.
If you are interested in playing in this tournament, please do a “Reply All” to email you received from me. If you did not receive email. please contact me.
Those that are accepted will have their entry confirmed.
Also note that if you want to compete you must be a current member of Ryde-Eastwood Leagues Club, pay your Chess Club membership fee before the 1st game and be a member or a registered player of NSWCA.
Bill Gletsos