The worst King's Indian game by a super-GM?

FM Dennis Monokroussos on his blog, The Chess Mind, has this to say:
Kramnik - who has had pretty good success over the years against the King's Indian, played one of the worst King's Indians I can remember seeing at the top level - probably the worst. Seeing that game without any names attached, I would never have imagined that it was played by one of the world's best players - but it was! (By the way, there's a moral here for all of us. Even the greatest players in the world can play really badly when they're out of their comfort zone and away from what's familiar to them. Just make sure you're playing something worthwhile rather than garbage to get them there.)
He is referring to the blindfold game between Gelfand and Kramnik in Rd 4 of the Amber Blindfold and Rapid Chess Tournament. The game is below and do you agree?

(show chess board)(hide chess board)
